Monday, March 21, 2011

The "Perfect" Job

As you may have noticed on my header, it says I am looking for the "perfect" job. "Duh, Matt" you might say, 'That's what we're all trying to do", and indeed that is true. We search tirelessly for the job with the "perfect" location or the "perfect" salary or the "perfect" coworkers...sound familiar? But that's not the "perfect" job that I mean. You see, perfection is not a job that is found, the perfect job is created. Now I'm not recommending that everyone who reads this go out and become self-employed (although some might, and good for them!) I'm saying that the "perfect" job might just be where you are right now, and if it isn't, you can make it perfect! I can hear you saying "What!!?" "THIS is my perfect job!!!? Matt you don't know my boss!!" True, but as the old saying goes "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it." The way to the perfect job depends on you. How? One word: Attitude. We've all heard the saying "Garbage in-garbage out", right? Well, think of that in terms of attitude. If your attitude is less than perfect, alright I'll just come out and say it, if your attitude sucks, then it stands to reason that your job is going to suck, too. Now not all jobs are going to be pleasant, (and I know this as well, or better than anyone!) but that doesn't give you the permission to be "Oscar the Grouch". Why? Because every job has it's nasty sides (Just ask Mike Rowe-how many seasons has that show been on?), and even the "perfect" job is not always going to be fun and easy! "But Matt", you'll say; "I get all the crummy assignments!" Let me ask this: Are you ready for an assignment change? Try having a good attitude, it will make your supervisors notice, and if they don't-the assignment won't seem so terrible.  To have a good attitude, focus on positive things, usually the things that you actually like about your job. It may take some digging, but find those, and then concentrate on them. Now a word of caution: DON'T FOCUS ON THE MONEY. Working for just the money it provides is akin to selling a Lexus for just a few pennies. YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN THAT! Don't settle for the dull, boring humdrum life, when the life you always wanted is right in front of you! The choice is yours: Bad Attitude=status quo/subsistence living or Good Attitude=exciting, rewarding and challenging.

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